Who is this program for?

Honestly everyone! Especially...

  • Desk job warriors (I call you warriors because prolonged sitting isn't easy!)

  • Those with nagging pain in their neck & shoulders that never seems to go away

  • If you have already tried traditional PT, stretches, and massages with no lasting results

  • If you feel like you consistently overuse the wrong muscles & compensate during exercise

  • Those who want to feel in CONTROL of their body and posture

Course Content

This course will help you to understand WHY the upper traps are so tight and exactly WHAT to do about it. This includes anatomical explanations, postural re-education, exercise demonstrations, and a deliberate progression. We will be addressing the ROOT cause, rather than taking a band-aid approach. Check out the themes for each week and the unique exercises you will be learning!

    1. Welcome to Untrap Your Upper Traps

    2. My WHY

    3. How this Program is Different

    4. Target Muscles & Program Guidelines

    5. Program Accountability Checklist

    6. Workspace Set-Up

    7. Mechanical Advantage

    1. Primary Functional Assessment

    1. Somatic Affirmations

    2. Diaphragmatic Breathing

    3. Rib Cage Tucks

    4. Seated Upper Trap Release

    5. Chin Tucks

    1. Table Slides

    2. Open Books

    3. Wall- Push Away & BONUS

    4. Cat/Cow Variation

    1. Pull Aparts with Band

    2. Wall Slides

    3. Hands & Knees: Push Away

    4. Spine Punches & BONUS

    1. Wall Slides with Y Lift

    2. Light Band Arm Series #1

    3. Side Plank

    4. Plank Plus & BONUS


  • $89.00
  • 30+ Exercise Videos & Explanations with unlimited access ($720 value)
  • Online form check & communication with Dr. Madeline
  • Accountability Checklist & Program Guideline

By the end of this course, you will...

  • No longer have constant tightness in your upper traps

  • Have the confidence and strategies to relieve your own discomfort

  • Have strengthened the smaller, stabilizing muscles that support your posture

  • Feel less physically fatigued when sitting at your desk


Dr. Madeline Hoffner

Dr. Madeline graduated from University of Maryland- Baltimore with her Doctorate of Physical Therapy in 2018. She has been a certified Pilates instructor for over 10 years and now runs her own Pilates-Based physical therapy clinic in Annapolis, MD. She feels passionately about using core strength and joint stability to maximize postural awareness and decrease daily tensions.


"I have Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, which has contributed to chronic pain in my mid-back, neck, and upper trap region. I know first hand what it feels like to have this nagging sensation and exactly what to do about it. I have worked hard to re-train my postural system so that I no longer experience strain & tension on these muscles. Countless patients have walked through my doors with complaints of upper trap tension and I have been able to address these issues successfully using my unique methods. I am excited to share my process and create long-term solutions for you!"

Ready for relief?